Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to make an onion pie (That you will really like!)

Onion Pie

Leon Pantenburg and I have been in many Dutch Over Cook-Offs and he is always fun to cook with, talk survival with, and explore ideas for new twists on old recipes. I've been following his Blog (below) for a long time, but had not seen this Onion Pie recipe or it's background story before. So I've included the link where you can get it.
There is a lot more to the story of Onion Pie than you find here. Leon has laid out a little history about it that you shouldn't pass up. It motivated me to try it and, WOW it is terrific!!

Leon Pantenburg at Survival Food Recipes and Off-Grid Cooking  5 weeks ago
Today, onions are generally thought of as a vegetable accompaniment to a main dish, as a relish or a seasoning. But the vegetable can stand alone as a main dish, and open up new frontiers of culinary exploration by Leon Pantenburg. The basis for an excellent survival recipe is these onions. An onion pie can allow you to use up a surplus of onions while also using some of your storage foods”.

My 1st Crack at Onion Pie
It is so simple anyone can do it. However, with about half a cold I didn’t feel up to doing the crust by hand so I used some “Western Family” 9 –inch pie crusts. As I sautéed the sliced & green onions it seemed like there would be more crust than pie filling so I doubled the onions and it turned out perfect. 
I thought later that maybe I had sautéed the onions a little too far. I’ll work on that next time.

Fresh out of the oven